Volunteers wanted

Do you love gardening, have a couple of hours to spare and what to make a difference?

We are taking a break

Everyone has contributed so much this year and you deserve a big pat on the back. With your help and support we have achieved so much. Thank you. So take [...]

Cromer CP working bee

Cromer Conservation Park Cromer Road, Cromer, South Australia, Australia

Please confirm times with the organiser prior to the event

Bird monitoring session

Porter Scrub Conservation Park Burfords Hill Rd, Kenton Valley, South Australia, Australia

Join us for a bird monitoring session with Phil Barron. A bit of homework for you between now and then - the bird species list below are those we detected [...]

Cromer CP working bee

Cromer Conservation Park Cromer Road, Cromer, South Australia, Australia

It’s looking a bit damp but we are still planning to go ahead at this stage.  If it looks like we’re in for a deluge, the event will be cancelled.  [...]

Porter Scrub weeding activity

Porter Scrub Conservation Park Burfords Hill Rd, Kenton Valley, South Australia, Australia

Weeding of woody weeds in Porter Scrub Conservation Park. Meet at 9am. Tools, PPE equipment and morning tea provided. For anyone interested in joining the group, please fill out the [...]

Porter Scrub weeding activity (Cancelled)

Porter Scrub Conservation Park Burfords Hill Rd, Kenton Valley, South Australia, Australia

This working bee in Porter Scrub has been cancelled due to illness. Reschedule to Sunday 31 July 9am. Sorry for the inconvenience. Will send out an email again closer to [...]

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