Plants of Porter Scrub Conservation Park
- Stackhousia monogyna ‘Creamy Candles’ – Photo: Nic S
- Baby Diuris orientis ‘ Donkey Orchid’- Photo: Nic S
- Plant yet to be identified – Photo: Paul Warneke
- Pultenaea daphnoides ‘Large-leaf Bush-pea’- Photo: Nic S
- Eucalyptus fasciculosa ‘Pink Gum’ (Juvenile) – Photo: Nic S
- Glossodia major ‘Purple Cockatoo Orchid
- Drosera auriculata – Photo: Nic S
- The park is beautiful any time of the year. Photo: Paul Warneke
- Drosera auriculata ‘Sundew’ – Photo: Nic S
- Pultenaea daphnoides ‘Large-leaf Bush-pea’- – Photo: Paul Warneke
- Juvenile Acacia pycnantha ‘Golden Wattle’. Photo: Paul Warneke
- Daviesia ulicifolia ‘Gorse Bitter-pea’- Photo: Nic S
- Stackhousia monogyna ‘Creamy Candles’ – Photo: Paul Warneke
- Caesia calliantha ‘Blue Grass-lily’ – Photo: Nic S
- Acacia myrtifolia ‘Myrtle Wattle’- Photo: Nic S
- Pimelea humilis ‘Common Rice Flower’ – Photo: Nic S
- Weed: Parentucilla latifolia ‘Red Bartsia’ – Photo: Nic S
- Chamaescilla corymbosa ‘ Blue Squill’ – Photo: Nic S
- Bulbine bulbosa ‘Bulbine lily’ – Photo: Nic S
- Dianella – Photo Nic Snadden
- Drosera auriculata’ Sundew’ – Photo: Nic S
- Chamaescilla corymbosa ‘Blue Squill’ – Photo: Nic S
- Pultenaea daphnoides ‘Large-leaf Bush-pea’- Photo: Nic S
- Glossodia major ‘Purple Cockatoo Orchid’ – Photo: Nic S
- Diuris orientis ‘Donkey Orchid’- Photo: Nic S
- Glossodia major ‘ Purple Cockatoo Orchid’ – Photo: Paul Warneke
- Tetrarheca pilosa ‘Black-eyed Susan’ – Photo: Nic S
- Platylobium obtusangulum ‘Holly Flat Pea’ – Photo: Nic S
- Diuris orientis ‘Donkey Orchid’- Photo: Nic S
- Xanthorrhoea sp ‘Grass Tree’ – Photo: Nic S
- Kennedia prostrata ‘Running Postman’ – Photo: Nic S
Volunteers in action
- The Clover glycine count continues. Photo: Kim Thompson
- The happy clover glycine monitors. Photo: Kim Thompson
- 19/08/2023 Birdwood, Planting Rushes, Sedges and Wallaby Grass
- 19/08/2023 Birdwood, Planting Rushes, Sedges and Wallaby Grass
- 19/08/2023 Birdwood, Planting Rushes, Sedges and Wallaby Grass
- 19/08/2023 Birdwood, Planting Rushes, Sedges and Wallaby Grass
- 19/08/2023 Birdwood, Planting Rushes, Sedges and Wallaby Grass
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
- 20/08/2023 Porter Scrub – Threatened species planting session
General views of the park
- The Maidment Road entrance to the park. Photo: Paul Warneke
- Park regrowth Oct 2021 – Photo Nic S
- A typical section of walking track. Photo: Paul Warneke
- The park in recovery mode – Photo: Nic S
- Central access track – Photo: Paul Warneke
- The main Centre Track – Photo: Nic S