The trial site progress
13/05/16 – Setting up photo monitoring points.
21/05/16 – Sprayed using 1L /Ha glyphosate, plus Goal penetrant 100mls wetter; Guildford grass & clover still upright
14/07/16 – Site preparation includes picking stones/rocks.
23/9/2016 – Extremely wet site is inhibiting herbicide application and site preparation.
23/10/16 – Site Preparation – By adding a bit of weight to the harrows they dug in about3 – 5 cm, enough to leave small furroughs. By working the site three times in different directions an ideal seed bed was produced.
28/10/2016 – Hand seeding by UTLMP staff and volunteers; Seed sowing methodology in report below; 20′ air temp, 38′ soil surface temp and 20′ sub-soil 10-20mm.
7/02/17 – Germination of Kangaroo Grass following excellent summer rains.
21/09/2017 – Most of the weeds were broadleals, clover & capeweed. Hand-sprayed using a broadspectrum herbicide (Glyphosate) and only focussing on the tussocks of exotic grasses (mainly fog grass, barley grass, ‘hills grass’ and the odd rye and cocksfoot).
15/02/2018 – Kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) growing well and about to drop more seed in the inter-tussock spaces, lots of new plants germinated since last year.
- Some native visitors on site enjoying the green pick.
- Evidence of grazing.
- Still some bare patches within, but with less than 100mls of rainfall since Sept 2017, minimal germination has happened over summer.
25/02/2018 – Horses enjoying some green pick from the Kangaroo Grass during summer.
8/03/2018 – Slashing to reduce biomass (Andrew, Seeding Natives)
23/03/2018 – A small section of thatch was left so we could get a sample of grass to be feed tested.
- Cutting sample for feed testing.
- Cutting sample for feed testing.
18/06/2018 – Advice from Bob Myers Kangaroo Grass paddock is ready to be sprayed as the native grass is dormant (Indicated by purple colour) Use Glyphosate herbicide at half strength and Metsulfuron at full strength to remove broadleafs and exotic grass (best if grass has three leaves).
14/07/2018 – Sprayed as advised
7/10/2018 – Tussocks slowly starting to green up, but still too cold for any new germinations. Greenish tinge is a broadleaf weed that will be sprayed soon.
21/10/2018 – Kangaroo grass starting to green up with some nice gentle rain and the ground is warming too.
26/11/2018 – Kangaroo grass is looking nice and healthy after almost 70mls of rain this month.
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