Trial site progress:
20/05/16 – Setting up photo monitoring points
07/06/16 – Sprayed for soursob 10g/Ha metsulfuron, 100ml wetter per 100 L tank mix
16/09/16 – Sprayed Glyphosate 450g/L at a rate of 4 L/Ha. Include Pulse ® penetrant at 250 mL per 100L tank mix.
13/11/16 – No spraying occurred due to wet weather.
14/11/16 – Following site disturbance (lightly ploughed).
12/12/16 – Newly germinated weeds.
- Wire weed
22/01/17 – Cultivator used to disturb weed seed.
03/02/17 – Summer weeds sprayed early January, 2017
26/03/17 – Hand pull Caltrop and Paddymelon.
24/04/17 – Hand pull Nightshade, Caltrop and new volunteer Olives
10/05/17 – Site preparation complete, ready to sow 20 Kg Gallop (Native Seeds). Sown 17/05/17.
05/10/17 – Weeds – Capeweed, Salvation Jane and some unidentified grasses.
19/10/17 – Site inspection. Advise given to slash followed by broadleaf herbicide application. Other weeds identified at site visit were fog grass, moss like weed, knotweed, silverweed. Unable to identify any native grasses at this stage.
20/10/17 – Slashed.
23/10/17 – Herbicide application. Metsulfuron rate 10g/Ha, wetter added at a rate of 100mL/100L.
5/10/2017 – Site visit by Kim Thompson identified good population of Wallaby Grass. Weeds identified: silverweed (browned off), Salvation Jane, Knotweed, Capeweed, Brome, Rye, Oat. Rainfall for November 55mm.
27/02/18 – Wallaby grass still present but drying out, some seedheads still visible. No new weed growth to date.
Rainfall: December 9mm, January 14mm, February 5.5mm
7/06/18 – Capeweed, soursob, some winter grass or fog grass? And a few Salvation Jane There is some wallaby grass still hanging on. Knotweed dried out.
18/06/18 – Sprayed for broadleaf control. Rainfall 58mm (June).
22/07/18 – Soursob seems controlled by herbicide application in June. Capeweed still present.
16/08/18 – Paddock slashed to suppress Capeweed which is still coming through despite previous herbicide application. Rainfall July 53.5mm, August 96mm.
21/09/18 – Wallaby grass still hanging in there, but looks swamped by the Capeweed.
27 /09/18 – Site visit by Andy Cole (Land Management Advisory Service) to review weed load and suggest some treatments, small amount of wallaby grass, weeping rice grass but sparse, no windmill evident.
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