Weeds never take a break
This was certainly evident today as a small group of volunteers gathered at the Nature Resource Centre in Mt Pleasant to tidy up some of the nursery tube stock ready for planting out in 2022 as part of ongoing bushfire revegetation projects.
This is not hard work, but it can be fiddly and it is definitely time-consuming. Weeds needed to be removed, moss cleaned off the top of tube stock and stunted or weak specimens removed.
- Tubestock ready for landcare planting. Photo: Paul Warneke
- Weed removal. Photo; Paul Warneke
- I am sure it is in here somewhere. Photo: Paul Warneke
But to the background of constant chatter and a 4-year-old fella’ at play, time passed quickly and it was soon time for some of us to head home for lunch. Some chose to stay and weed some more.
If I do say so myself, looking at the tidied tubes on the nursery bench, it was a satisfying morning’s work.
We even got to discuss the weather as we hurriedly moved our work undercover to escape a welcome December shower of rain.
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