Sunday was another overcast, ‘moist’ day, a repetition of the weather that the volunteers worked in when they were planting at Birdwood High School the day before. But, regardless of it being Sunday and the weather, eighteen volunteers and two rangers were there to help with the replanting efforts.
Spitting into groups of about five people, led by an experienced volunteer who gave a short demonstration of the best planting technique, it took them less than an hour to plant approximately one hundred and fifty plants. Plantings were of five different species in small clusters which were identified with a bright pink flag and staked to assist with future monitoring.
- The hardy volunteers
- This is how it is done
- Working in damp conditions
- Another one firmly planted
Species planted included:
- Veronica gracilis (Slender speedwell) which is Vulnerable in SA
- Mentha diemenica (Slender mint) which is Rare in SA
- Coronidium gunnianum (Pale Everlasting) which is Endangered in SA
- Lagenophora sublyrata (Slender bottle daisy) which is Vulnerable in SA; and
- Amphibromus pithogastrus (Plump swamp wallaby grass) considered to be Endangered in SA
- Quality family planting time
- Planted, pegged and ready to grow
- Come on, take the photo
- Wet and muddy, but happy faces
The group finished up with refreshments and some volunteers staying back to undertake gorse control along the northern boundary, treating approximately fifty plants with the cut and swab method.
Thanks goes to Greg Sproule who grew the plants which were propagated and sourced by the SA Seed Conservation Centre, themselves funded by the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board. Thank you also to Ellen who co-ordinated the day and who supplied the information from which this article was developed.
In closing, the URTLG was successful in winning a Friends of Parks Partnership Grant in 2021 which will finish up next June 2024. This partnership grant is a collaboration of many with a focus around conservation of threatened species and we thank everyone for their involvement.
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