In the Adelaide Hills, the bushfires of 2020 were devastating, possibly no more so that around Cuddle Creek where, some fifteen kilometres away, the beautiful natural bushland of Porters Scrub was blackened almost beyond recognition.
But, given time, the bush fights back.
Now, some two and a half years later, the ‘Golden Wattle’ (Acacia Pycnantha) has rebounded with a vengeance. It is almost as if every seed that has been lying dormant in the soil for decades has germinated in the months after the park was burned.
Now, it is so thick as to be almost impenetrable, looking lush and beautiful, but some visitors have wondered if the regrowth is too dense. How will it impact other native flora?
And is it the right mix of vegetation for the fauna to return?
Time will tell, but at the moment, as the flower buds open and create a beautiful golden floral display, it is hard not to admire it’s beauty.
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