If you:

  • Live, work or have connections in the Upper Torrens Catchment including the townships of Mt. Pleasant, Birdwood, Mt. Torrens, Gumeracha or Forreston
  • Have an interest in protecting the land and the environment, native flora, fauna and their habitat
  • Enjoy practical outdoor activities
  • Value your community and how it looks
  • Wish to contribute towards maintaining and improving the Upper Torrens with a sustainability focus
  • Want to share your hopes and thoughts for the future with others?

Are you a primary producer, hobby farmer, student, teacher, business, volunteer, supporter, or friend of the environment?

Become a member today

Members are invited to participate and volunteer in URTLG meetings, working bees, planting days, nursery work and have access to a range of educational material produced by, or held by the group. Being a URTLG member you may be eligible to apply for on-ground works assistance and support on your property. We also have available specialist tools to assist members with their own landcare activities.