We were lucky to have Phil Barron back to lead another birding workshop thanks to the National Parks and Wildlife Friends of Parks Partnership Grants program 2021-23, and the support of the Upper River Torrens Landcare Group.

Having Phil back with us was a great opportunity to learn more about our beautiful native birds, particularly in post-fire habitat, and build volunteer capacity and knowledge. Thanks again Phil for an informative and entertaining workshop!




Female golden whistler courtesy Danielle Shaw

Female golden whistler courtesy Danielle Shaw

We were lucky with the weather with the clouds clearing in time to walk to the first site.

Although we didn’t see and hear a high diversity of birds this time, we were rewarded with a close encounter with a female Australian Golden Whistler.

Even more exciting was the possible sighting of a Bassian thrush! The last confirmed sighting of this species in Porter Scrub was in April 2020.  This was recorded in NatureMaps by South Australian Ornithological Association (SAOA), so fingers crossed we may see this elusive local bird on future working bees.

These little birds are often mistaken for the backyard blackbird, so if you are out in bushland and think you see a female blackbird, take a closer look. It may just be something a little more special.