Thank you to those who made it out on Sunday for our first Porter Scrub Activity for 2024.

The weather was lovely for a “weeding and walking’ session.

We had five volunteers in attendance along with Ranger Orkun.

We focussed on hand weeding outside the exclosure, targeting Ribwort plantain growing amongst planted Coronidium gunnianum (swamp everlasting), which is doing extremely well.

We had a quick look in the exclosure, surprisingly the ground was holding moisture and the plants are generally doing well or have flowered and set seed. The little bit of rain and our watering over the summer has been beneficial.

Next, we headed off along the main central track to the south-eastern part of the park. Eventually, we found a scattered patch of gorse near the eastern boundary, of small seedlings and treated approximately 30 plants using the cut and swab method.

Our session ended with coffee and teacake.

While replenishing, Liz examined our extensive first aid kit and pointed out some of the main items that we would likely use and basic applications.

Our next activity is a bird session with Phil Barron on Sunday 5th May, so meet 7 am at the northern entrance of the park, off Burford Hill Road. Here we will try to target the Bassian thrush and then make our way to Paul Guthrie’s property in car convoy for a bird session and morning tea.

Also, we aim to have a planting day on Sunday 19th May, however, if we don’t get much rain between now and then, this will be postponed to Sunday 16th June.