Thanks to those who braved the cold and wet conditions this morning to attend the Porter Scrub bird monitoring activity with Phil Barron. My toes are still frozen.

Although conditions were not ideal, we gave it a crack and were rewarded with seeing eighteen different bird species.

We also observed lots of spring flowers, including Tetratheca pilosa, Pultenaea daphnoides, Hibbertia exutiacies (the prickly one), Bushy Candles (I said Creamy candles, but I think it is this one), Acacia myrtifolia, Kennedia prostrata, Drosera sp. (Sundew) and Daviesia ulicifolia ssp. incarnata (Gorse bitter pea).

With many Arthropodium sp. leaves and yet to flower. Hopefully, our October visit will see these in full bloom.

I am sure I have missed many more.

The highlights:

  • There were many bird sightings on the way to the sites, including Thornbills, Scarlet Robin, and many LBB!!!
  • A Brown Goshawk was seen at a distance flying over the first site.