Last month, another fantastic project was completed for a passionate landholder in Kersbrook. Tracy attended a Hills & Fleurieu Landscape SA workshop last year, gaining valuable insight on strategies that would not only improve her property but benefit the surrounding catchment area. As an enthusiastic advocate for the Earth, Tracy was eager to implement these strategies and applied for a grant through the Landscape SA board. The funding was approved, and URTLG matched the amount to help with revegetation and fencing off the watercourse.

URTLG volunteers, along with a dozen of Tracy’s friends and family, rolled up our sleeves for a working bee to plant and guard 20 gum trees throughout her paddocks that had been affected by the Cuddle Creek fires. We then moved on to the newly fenced-off dam, where hundreds of wetland seedlings were planted to help prevent erosion and increase biodiversity. Many hands make light work, and together we fought off the chill of the midwinter morning to complete the project in a little over two hours. The rain graciously held off until the exact right moment as we settled around the table enjoying a beautiful lunch of curry and soup that Tracy generously provided.

Projects like this make our hearts sing at URTLG! It’s such a joy to work with passionate people who care deeply about the environment. Tracy put in a great deal of effort to learn about how she could care for the land and its waterways, so we very gratefully matched her effort to help with the completion of this project. With over 1600 farm dams in the Upper Torrens catchment, projects like these go a long way to helping conserve the river that sustains one of the most biodiverse regions in SA. If you would like to learn more about watercourse management on your property, visit our website or contact us on